Fitness and Sports
Some of the best sports equipment advice, information, and reviews from

Hit Run Steal Softball Glove Review
Hit Run Steal has a newly expanded All American Softball Gloves series for every player striving to attain their highest ...

Fitness and Sports Running shoe reviews Running Shoes
Best Running Shoes for Women Over 50 in 2024: Complete Reviews With Comparisons
Running has several benefits that people of all ages can enjoy. For aging women, however, running in their golden years ...

Running shoe advice Running Shoes Walking Shoes
Are Trail Running Shoes Good for Hiking?
Novice hikers and those looking for a lighter alternative to burly hiking boots might ask “Are trail running shoes good ...

Baseball Softball
How Many Players Are On a Little League Baseball Team?
Little League baseball is an excellent rite of passage for many young Americans and a perfect way of fostering teamwork ...

Golf Golf Balls
How to Clean a Golf Ball?
Sometimes you just want to clean your balls after the game before storing them, while the collectors need to restore ...

Golf Golf Simulator
How Accurate Are Golf Simulators? Do Golf Simulators Measure Swing Speed?
Golf simulators are golfers’ best invention of the 20th century. Their discovery dates back to 1970, but we’ll get into ...

How are softball gloves supposed to fit? Player’s guide.
In softball, how you fit your glove can be the difference between success and failure on the pitch. In many ...

Fitness and Sports Softball
Can you put a softball glove in the dryer?
Amid the day’s excitement, you sometimes forget where you placed that special softball glove; it happens. Your softball glove can ...

Fitness and Sports Softball
What size softball glove do I need? And what should you look at?
Purchasing the correct size softball gloves can be pretty challenging. We recommend you look at several other things and not ...

Fitness and Sports Running shoe reviews Running Shoes
Best CrossFit Shoes for Running of 2024: Complete Reviews With Comparisons
When buying the best CrossFit shoes for running, you need a pair of footwear with a versatile style and long-lasting ...