How to size golf clubs for beginners

How to size golf clubs for beginners

Are you a beginner golfer and wondering how to become a great golfer? For starters, your set of golf clubs needs to be of the right size for your game. You should be able to maintain an upright athletic posture as your play. There are many factors to consider. In this discussion, we shall discuss how to size golf clubs for beginners to achieve a pleasurable game.

Measurement Guidelines

There are various standard sizing guidelines on how to size golf clubs for beginners. These guidelines come in handy to a beginner when picking the right golf club for his/her height. Most of these standards use measurements that compare the golfer’s wrist-to-floor length, swing speed, and height to the most appropriate golf club size.

The wrist-to-floor measurement is most accurate when taking into consideration the distance from the floor to slightly up above the golfer’s wrist.  Poor swing speed is a result of a long shaft that is heavier to swing.

A golfer’s set consists of up to 14 golf clubs comprising of one putter, seven irons, two wedges, one hybrid, one driver, and two fairway woods.  However, a beginner is allowed to use a putter, a set of irons, and a driver until he perfects his game. Below is the recommended sizing technique that you should use when picking a beginner’s set of golf clubs.

The Putter

A beginner golfer should aim at using the least number of strokes when getting the ball into the hole. Hence, he must exercise great precision and mastery.  To do this, he takes into account his style and posture of putting when picking the right putter. A long putter, belly putter, or a standard putter must be the right length for the distance and direction of the golf ball.

The standard putter is ideal for a new golfer who is unsure about his putting style. Use the below guideline to choose a comfortable standard putter that will keep your eyes directly above the ball.

Standard Putter

Golfer Height

Putter Length

4’ 11” or shorter 31 inches
4’ 11” to 5’ 31 ½ inches
5’ 1” to 5’ 2” 32 inches
5’ 3” to 5’ 4” 32 ½ inches
5’ 5” to 5’ 8” 33 inches
5’ 9” to 5’ 10” 33 ½ inches
5’ 10” to 5’ 11” 34 inches
6’  or taller 34 ½ inches

A belly putter has a longer shaft (putter length) than a standard putter. Use the below measurements in picking the correct belly putter for your height.

Belly Putter

Golfer Height

Putter Length

5’ 8” or shorter 38.5 to 40 inches
5’ 9” to 6’ 1” 41 to 44 inches
6’ 2” or taller 54 to 47 inches

standard length golf club iron

A long putter has the most extended shaft length. You should measure the putter’s length against his height while standing in an upright position. Below is the sizing guide for a long putter.

Long Putter

Golfer Height

Putter Length

5’ 6” or shorter 45 inches
5’ 7” to 5’ 8” 47 inches
5’ 8” to 5’ 9” 48 inches
5’ 9” to 5’ 11” 49 inches
5’ 10” to 5’ 11” 50 inches
5’ 11” to 6’ 51 inches
6’ to 6’ 6” 52 inches
6’ 2”  or taller 54 inches

Club Length for Irons

For the beginner golfer to make a variety of accurate ball shots at a distance of 200 yards or less from the green, he/she needs a set of irons that match his/her height.  This choice is crucial in maintaining the right posture and lie angle. Irons are numbered 1 to 9 with varying levels of loft.

Iron 1, 2, and 3 have the least loft whereas iron 7, 8, and 9 have a higher loft that can get the ball into the air much faster. A beginner should avoid irons with a lower loft since they are the hardest to control.  Below is the recommended sizing guideline for golf irons number 3 to 9.

Golfer Height

Inches Added/Subtracted  to/from Standard Length

4’ 9” to 5’ 0” -2
5’ 0” to 5’ 3” -1½
5’3” to 5’ 6” -1
5’ 6” to 5’ 9”
5’ 9” to 6’ 0” 0
6’0” to 6’3”
6’ 3” to 6’ 6” +1
6’ 6” to 6’ 9” +1½
6’ 9” to 7’ 0” +1½


The driver chosen should match the skill level and swing of the beginner. He/she should opt for a club with a large driver head with at least 460 cc weight. Such driver heads gain impetus very fast and will push the ball quicker and further with minimal effort.

A round-shaped driver moves easily on grass, hence at a faster speed. It should have a higher loft to launch the ball higher into the air.  A beginner with a quick swing should opt for steel shafts. Such shafts are light and result in longer drives.


Whether you need woods to hit off the tee or replace your long irons, you should purchase woods that match the shaft’s length.


Beginners struggling with accuracy in hitting the ball should choose a wedge with a bounce between 10 and 14 degrees.  Such a bounce will keep the ball moving on the grass.


A hybrid club merges the features of long irons and fairway woods to replace long irons. It is ideal for a beginner golfer trying to master his/her spin. 3, 4, or 5 hybrids are best suited for a beginner. Such hybrids have a higher throw that lands farther and softer than irons and woods.

Sizing Golf Clubs for Beginners FAQs

  1. Is there a regulatory body that requires all golf club manufacturers to use the same sizing standard for the golf clubs?
  2. No. Manufacturers make golf clubs with sizing specifications to suit their brands.
  3. What is the correct shaft flex for a beginner golfer?
  4. A beginner should start with a regular flex. This shaft is ideal for a slower swing. As the swing speed improves, the golfer can then shift to a stiff flex since they will have experience in their control.
  5. How far can I bend my golf clubs?
  6. Up to a limit of two degrees. At such a bend, the iron’s lie angle also bends for 3-4 degrees without downplaying the wholeness of the club head.


Golfing is a mental game that is easy to conquer with the right set of golf clubs. A beginner golfer can start with the minimum number of golf clubs as he gains control of his game. And to avoid a mismatch between the golf club length and the golfer’s height, you should understand how to size golf clubs for beginners. By doing so, you avoid simple sizing mistakes that can result in either leaning or standing too upright.  

8 thoughts on “How to size golf clubs for beginners”

  1. Hey there – great post – As a regular golfer, the best advice I was ever given was by a pro who was giving me lessons a few years back.  He took one look at me and asked me where I got my clubs from.  I told hm they were my Dad’s and he asked me how tall he was – He is 5 inches shorter than me.  He told me I would never really improve until i got proper fitted clubs – he easured me up and sent me on my way.  My game improved by 10 shots overnight.

    Since then I cannot tell you how many times I have watched someone play knowing that their clubs are the wrong size either by taking massive divots or continuously topping the ball.  Shorter cloubs also leads to hooking too.  I reckon you need to print out your height chart and post it to every golf site, group or page there is – the golfing world will thank you!


    • Hi, Paul and thank you.

      The problem is that if you start using the wrong technique from the start of your learning, it can be complicated to fix it. Of course, you can do it but it takes time, and it even can take time to know what is wrong. Sometimes using the wrong size is the reason.

      Of course, budget plays a part in all decision. But the good thing is that beginners don´t need as many golf clubs as more development players. So the vital start price is much lower which helps with letting them start with the right size.

      If I can help you with anything else, or if you have any questions, don´t hesitate to contact me.

  2. About four months ago my best sport is football but now golf has gotten over that . My interest for golf geared up when I visited my uncle about two months ago , he spent most of his time playing golf with his friends . He taught me how to go about it but reading this post has really educate me beyond what I expected.

    • Hi, Lok Which and thank you.

      Thank you for kind words.

      Many football players start in golf after their carer in football. Many players in golf have played in team sports before. The reason is of course that you can play much longer in golf than in team sports, so it is an excellent active sport for them like other people.

      If I can help you with anything else, or if you have any questions, don´t hesitate to contact me.

  3. I never even thought about using different lengths of clubs when my Pops gave me beginner lessons years ago.

    I was using clubs for a 6 foot 5″ tall man when I’m 5 foot 8″ tall woman!

    I’m sure he probably knew that at the time but, it wasn’t really in his budget to have 2 golfers in the family I suppose ha!

    When I was watching the video it reminded me to take my arthritis AND my small hands into consideration too.

    • Hi, Fyre and thank you.

      Yes, it is many things which we need to think about in sports. Budget is, of course, an important thing in that picture.

      If I can help you with anything else, or if you have any questions, don´t hesitate to contact me.

  4. Hi; my question on the topic: Is golfing a game that is more mind applicable than the actual clubs? My understanding from the post, am I to understand that the beginner. Golfer’s height needs to be in line with the Golfing Club? Please be patient with me I am learning Golf from your post. 

    So, my concentration when buying clubs should be on clubs with metal or total metal Clubs?


    • Hi, DorcasW and thank you.

      There is no stupid question. It is important to get knowledge and to ask.

      Yes, your understanding is right that gold is a more mental game. You need to think calm, put a plan or strategy how you are going to play each hole and stay calm. You are thinking about solutions.

      And too, many believe that golf is all about power, that is no right. A technique is a crucial thing, that is a way the size of the golf club is so important.

      About which clubs to buy, have a look at this article, I think you see it better there.

      If I can help you with anything else, or if you have any questions, don´t hesitate to contact me.


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