Best golf balls for senior 2022 under $25: The Buying Guide


Is it practical to find effective golf balls for seniors under $25? What features would such shells have? Plus, why would a senior opt for such golf balls instead of the premium shells?

In this detailed guide, we look at ways of picking cost-effective golf balls ideal for seniors. We hope that seniors can use this guide to find quality golf balls at an affordable price. Are you ready to discover your options? Let’s get to it


Best golfs balls for senior 2022 under $25


 Srixon Soft Feel Golf Balls ​​​​

Srixon is a household golf ball brand with a strong legacy in improving a player’s prowess. The Srixon Soft Feel Golf Balls are no exception. These shells have a superior soft feel targeting high handicappers. What features do these golf balls have that are relevant to senior golfers?


Here is a summary of the Srixon Soft Feel Golf Balls’ specs: –

Dimensions7 x 5 x 1 inches
Weight0.64 Kilograms
Dimple Count338
Ideal ForUnisex-Adult
Compression Score60

White, Yellow
PackagingOne Dozen

Construction and Compression

The Srixon Soft Feel Golf Balls’ 2-piece construction is ideal for distance. Its structure enables it to stay firm around the perimeter. Hence, it maximizes the shell’s trajectory.

This golf ball has a 60 compression score, ideal for senior golfers with a mid-range swing. Also, their ionomer material gives has a softer feel despite the robustness.

This substance is thinner than urethane and Surlyn, hence minimizes the shell’s spin. In turn, they provide better control for the senior golfer.

Third, the golf balls’ 338 dimple pattern stabilizes them in windy conditions. Hence, they move straight against the wind and are easy to control.

Spin Rate

The Srixon Soft Feel golf balls aim at reducing the spin rates. Hence, a senior player can hit the ball with confidence and expect a much straight ball flight on the green. Indeed, the ball’s 338 dimple count maintains a consistent ball speed with every hit.

The Buying Guide for golfs balls for seniors

The Features


Soft Feel

As the name suggests, Srixon Soft Feel Golf Balls have a soft feel that is easier to control. And, unlike competitor soft golf balls with an unpleasant squishy effect, Srixon ensured you enjoy the softness and still retain control on chips and putts. 

Thinner, Forgiving Construction

Srixon Soft Feel Golf Balls are 2-piece soft shells that optimize distance and trajectory.

They comprise the durable Surlyn and urethane layers that cut on unnecessary spins. That way, players enjoy better ball control regardless of the playing conditions. 

 Higher Dimple Count

These golf balls have a 338  dimple pattern, one of the highest counts for golf balls in its category. This higher score propels the golf ball further without compromising on control.

Indeed, the consistent ball speed boosts a player’s confidence, allowing them to concentrate on their skills and technique.

Optimal Visibility

Finally, get the Srixon Soft Feel Golf Balls in either white or luminous yellow colors. These shades help you notice how the golf ball moves and where it lands.


  • Durable 2-piece structure 
  • Aerodynamic design for faster speeds
  • Soft feel for longer distance & shell trajectory
  • Aligned shots with minimal spin rates





The Srixon AD333 Golf Balls are an upgrade of the UK’s popular Srixon model, nicknamed “Old Faithful”. The changes result in a better feel and aerodynamics, more distance, and lower spin.

Indeed, this home run enables the senior golfer to meet a medium carry and trajectory on the putt and course. Below is a breakdown of the Srixon AD333 golf balls’ features: –


Below are the specifications for the Srixon AD333 Golf Balls: –

Dimensions7.5 x 5.5 x 1.6 inches
Weight1.32 Pounds
CoverSoft Ionomer
Dimple Count333
Ideal ForMen
Compression Score75
ColorWhite, Orange
PackagingOne Dozen


UK’S best-selling shells, the Srixon AD333 Golf Balls, are of 2-piece construction. The two layers vary in their degree of compression.
They get softer as you move from the inner core toward the perimeter of the ball. Hence, its design creates an “energetic gradient growth” that sets off the shell at a high angle when hit.

Now, combine this high launch with the elastic cover’s low spin off the tee. These balls have the sound spin and distance for senior golfers.

The shells have a medium to high trajectory. It’s an excellent range for players experiencing dwindling swing speeds. Plus, they roll well on the course and putt, giving a good sound and feel.


Whether you want to make high or far shots, the Srixon AD333 offers you a perfect initial lead. The shells have an excellent feel off the clubface and short shots.
This texture is partly because of its “Spinskin” coating, which makes them yield. The film is soft and flexible, increasing friction and, hence, having a higher spin with every shot.  

Why Is It Important to Choose the Right Ball for You but Not the Best One

Durability and Visibility

The Srixon AD333 golf balls are in a transitional cover that lasts for more rounds. It also uses the latest dimple aerodynamics.
Hence, the shells deliver optimal performance to the player at an affordable price. Besides, the shell’s white or orange color schemes are easy to track on the rough.


  • It offers distance, spin, and feel performance ideal for a senior golfer. 
  • Great value for money.
  • Available in bright orange color. 


The shells are not ideal for use during the winter season. 



TaylorMade Distance Plus Golf Balls

Some golf balls are designed for a specific gender. Fortunately, both women and men can use TaylorMade Distance Plus units.
They pride a modern and lovely unisex design to meet most golfing needs around the tee. Also, the 12-ball packaging at a fair price comes in handy for those who lose balls frequently.


Dimensions6 x 4 x 8 inches
Weight3 Pounds
Dimple Count342
Ideal ForMen and Women
Compression ScoreLow – 60
ColorWhite, Yellow
PackagingOne Dozen


The first outstanding feature of these golf balls is the bright finish. You can pick either the white or yellow option to meet your golfing experience.

These vivid tones make it easy to spot them on the ground to save time and keep the game going, especially for aged golfers.

The packaged weight of this ball is just 3 pounds for superior hold, swing, and hit. They are much lighter to improve the speed and precision hitting on the golf course.

What’s more, beginners can better perform golfing skills before moving on to premium quality balls. With less than 12 dollars, you can own this set, making them cost-effective, reliable, and fun to use.

Synthetic Cover

TaylorMade golf balls offer the ultimate distance on the golf court. That means an easy play for beginners and also intermediate golfers.

With low drag aerodynamics and a thin layer, they work with the React Speed Core for better velocity. Every time you hit the ball, the farther it goes as the Core improves the rating.


  • Lovely and bright finish including yellow and white
  • Affordable pricing 
  • The lightweight structure weighs just 3 pounds
  • Suitable for young and beginner golfers
  • Low drag aerodynamics improve ball speed


  • Not as durable as other brands
  • The yellow balls are not easy to spot on yellow or brown leaves



The Buying Guide for golfs balls for seniors.

So what should a senior golfer look for in his new shells? Well, we already know that our speed and hitting power may be a bit slower than when we were in our youthful age.

But that shouldn’t compromise our favorite game, right? Today, manufacturers acknowledge the unique needs of senior golfers. They make golf balls with the following attributes ideal for the older player: –

Factors to Consider When Buying Golf Balls for Seniors

Golf Ball Cover

Golf ball covers determine how high or low the ball flies. They increase or reduce backspin and control. For example, a Surlyn cover flies low and straight. But a urethane-covered shell has considerable backspin. Hence, it attains an impressive height when hit. 

Still, urethane shells have less control than the Surlyn ones. They are a favorite with pro golfers. In contrast, the Surlyn shells are a safe option for amateur or regular golfers.

Hence, opt for either of the covers depending on your skill level as a senior golfer.


Are you a senior living on a fixed income? Golf ball price is a critical factor when looking for the best golf balls for your style. It makes no sense to buy premium balls that last only a few rounds.

Instead, opt for a variety of affordable shells to suit your taste. The best golf balls for seniors 2022 under $25 are those shells hand-picked for the senior golfer.


Even as you settle for affordable shells, they must be of a robust make. Most 2-piece or 3-piece shells can endure rigorous hits before you see any dents, cracks or bruises.

In addition, urethane and Surlyn and ionomer materials are superior to foam, and plastic. Again, opt for a unique dimple pattern or technology that enhances the shell’s life span.

Factors to Consider When Buying Golf Balls for Seniors

Feel and Spin

Of late, manufacturers opt to make soft shells to appeal to both amateur and pro golfers. But, are such shells ideal for a senior player?

Golf balls with a soft feel around the green are an ideal choice for an older player. Such shells can be forgiving to players that still struggle with miss-hits.

 A senior player who is comfortable with high spin rates should opt for a 3-piece shell. This shell attains longer distances and enhances the player’s control on the ball.

In contrast, a senior golfer with an average swing ought to go for a 2-piece ball. 


A senior golfer should opt for golf balls with a low compression score. Such balls match the player’s slow swing speed.

They move straight, traveling long distances with minimal effort from the player. On the other hand, high compression balls have a firm feel.

They tend to move faster. As a result, a senior may find it hard to control them.

In spite of this, the players should take note of the current weather first. For example, it is sound to opt for mild compression shells during winter because high compression balls may prove too tough to manage.


A senior golfer should pick golf balls that are easy to locate on the green and in the rough. They should have clear makings and bright colors.

This way, a player will find it easy to align his shots. Ensure you can trace your shell’s spin without getting distracted by its color patterns.

Golf balls under 25


Opt for golf balls with fewer layers. Such shells spin less. Hence they move further with minimal effort from the player. A 2-piece or a 3-piece model is ideal for a senior golfer.

Dimple Pattern

The dimples are the wings of a golf ball. By working against the incoming air pressure, the dimples help to speed up the ball forward.

Senior golfers should pick shells with shallow but wide dimples. Such balls experience minimal air resistance, hence settling further on the green.

Brand Consistency

Finally, pick a particular golf brand and stick to it for longer before switching to another brand. Golf ball brands vary in the way they soar and react to the green.

It may take a golfer sometime to adjust to a new brand. Hence, opt to be consistent with your chosen brand and aim at improving your game instead.



Why Is It Important to Choose the Right Ball for You but Not the Best One?

It is not enough to pick the best golf balls based only on players’ and manufacturers’ advice. A senior golfer, however, needs to make sure that the shell is right for his style. 

How do you do so? 

By opting for golf ball fitting. 

Golf ball fitting ensures you get a golf ball that has a proper fit, ideal for shooting lower scores. Hence, once you have a list of the recommended shells, you need to test it and confirm its claims.

Most leading brands use online fitting tools to get the right ball for their game.


What Makes Golf Balls Go Further?

A golf ball will go as far as its dimple aerodynamic lift will permit. 


Well, think of the golf ball as an airplane that is soaring up the sky. If the glider is too heavy, it will be hard to get it airborne, let alone move fast in the air.  

In the same way, as you throw your golf ball, it must have a considerable lift to keep it hanging in the air for long. The longer it can sustain this lift, the further it will move on the green. 

And how does the golf ball maintain its lift?

Now, golf balls will move at varying speeds and cover different distances.

This drift reflects the dimpling system in place. In other words, when a golf ball gets airborne, air comes rushing in the opposite direction. The air pattern reflects the shell’s dimple system.

For example, a shell with no dimples experiences a thick wake of air behind it. Hence, it has the most drag that tries to get it back to the ground.

In contrast, a shell with the best dimple aerodynamics experiences a thin wake of air against it. This shallow air creates varying high and low-pressure zones on the dimples. 

It is these pressure zones that create the spin and swing speed.

A fast spin lifts the ball higher. But, a low spin may inhibit the ball, keeping it rolling for longer. Shells with a quick rotation reach the most lift that pushes them further.

What Makes Golf Balls Go Further


What Is More Important: Distance Or Control?

When it comes to golf balls, distance and ball control go hand in hand. How are these two aspects relevant to a senior golfer? Let’s first appreciate how they work below: –


When you hit a golf ball, it covers a long or short distance depending on its velocity, spin rate, and launch angle.

Even so, the USGA golf rules have set a limit on how far they expect a qualifying shell to travel. Hence, even those balls that don’t qualify will still go a distance that is less or more than the set limit.

The golf ball’s velocity varies with its compression. But, both the spin rate and launch angle depend on the golfer’s prowess. Hence, a golfer’s swing speed is crucial in determining how far the ball goes. 

But how does this relate to the ball’s control? Plus, which of these two aspects must a golfer aim at perfecting?

Golf Ball Control

A golf ball’s control relates to its level of sidespins. In turn, these sidespins will be more or less depending on your choice of clubs and swing speed.

For best distance, a golf ball should have enough spin that translates to a proper lift. Hence, a golf ball gains or loses control relative to an insufficient or excessive turn.

When there is too little spin, the shell will not have enough power to lift into the air and thrust forward. In contrast, the excessive rotation will push the ball too high up and not forward.

Such a shell will then come crashing back when this energy fades.

A player must keep his golf ball gliding in a straight line. This way, it will cover longer distances off the drive.

Furthermore, upon landing on the green, it makes a quick stop. This way, the golf ball descends at the exact spot you had predicted.

It’s a matter of combining science and skill. 

First, opt for a golf ball with a lower spin rate. Flat spinning balls, have fewer sidespins. They work best for seniors who struggle to meet a decent distance. Such shells may not travel far, but they move straight.

This need, then calls for the skill to get the ball further. Hence, aim at hitting your shell straight and far.

Can a mid-spinning or high-spinning golf ball produce control for the distance needed? Yes. Note that, if you love a golf ball with a soft feel, chances are it is a golf ball with mid-spin.

Hence, to gain control, master the way you slice it to cut sidespins.

Even so, if you are a senior pro golfer, or you tend to hit the ball to the left or right, you need to go for high spin golf balls. The assumption is you already know how to control the ball.

Hence, the shell’s design aims at gathering more spin as it flies for a longer carry.

Do you struggle with controlling your golf ball? Then, plan on how you’ll reduce your out-of-control shots. For starters, aim at increasing your backspin.

What Is More Important Distance Or Control


The Verdict

Both ball control and distance are crucial aspects to a senior golfer. They work hand in hand to deliver optimal performance to the player.

Hence, start by identifying your swing speed. Then, opt for golf balls with a spin rate that matches your swing. Finally, work on how you hit the ball for most thrust.

Once the ball launches the right way, it will soar and land as you want.


Now, senior golfers have too many options on which golf balls to buy. Hence, you should pick affordable golf balls that match your style.

Such shells perform well on distance, feel durability, and visibility. Moreover, these aspects become crucial as the player’s swing speed starts to slow down. 

We hope this guide on the best golf balls for seniors 2022 under $25 has pointed you in that direction. Once you pick your affordable shell, remember to go for a fitting session.

That way, you’ll settle for the right golf ball for your game. Enjoy your game!

16 thoughts on “Best golf balls for senior 2022 under $25: The Buying Guide”

  1. I’ve read about the best golf balls for seniors, and it was so helpful cos I was able to refer it across to some other people, even my dad. Thanks for sharing this buying guide, it’ll help golfers make right choices when it comes to buying golfs balls, even though I don’t play golf, I still find it very informative and helpful to come across your article because it helps me to be able to help others in need of such help. Thanks.

    • Hello, Wildecoll, and thank you.

      Great to hear about your benefit from the article.

      Thank you for your kind words.

      Don´t hesitate to contact me if I can help you with anything else or if you have any questions.

  2. It can be a great mistake to get lesser quality golfs balls because it ultimately reduces the good experience you need. Golf is one of the top sports I really like seeing, and I read quite a bit about it since my dad was also a die-hard fan. Getting one for as low as 25 and still have the quality guaranteed is quite interesting, I’ll tell John about this, he’s really crazy about golfing. It is actually a very helpful article.

    • Hello, Wildecoll, and thank you.

      Thank you for your kind words.

      Don´t hesitate to contact me if I can help you with anything else or if you have any questions.

  3. My husband is a huge lover of golf, and he takes every free time he’s able to get to explore the world of golf. He’s part of a golf club, and he’s very prominent there amongst his friends, this should be of great help to them, my son is also starting to like golf as a sport maybe I can get one for him, but I need to ask if this will be advisable, is there a smaller size or weight for him or can he still go with this?

    • Hello, Roslinecar, and thank you.

      Thank you for your kind words.

      Yes, he can use balls without a problem.

      Don´t hesitate to contact me if I can help you with anything else or if you have any questions.

  4. It is great, and I truly fancy this post a lot. In all honesty, I like how you have simplified all the information in here right now, and I will love to make excellent use of them. Also, concerning the use of this guide in securing a quality golf ball too for seniors as some certain necessities are to be considered before making a buying decision. Thanks

    • Hello, Rodarrick, and thank you.

      Thank you for your kind words.

      Great to hear about your benefit of the article too. Good luck.

      Don´t hesitate to contact me if I can help you with anything else or if you have any questions.

  5. Hello there, thanks for this awesome article it would be of great help to the public as it has been of help to me.i loved playing golf it’s one of my favorite sports and as we all know the golf balls are the most vital and essential tool in the game of golf. and I must say thanks for your guide to buy golf balls for seniors.

    • Hello, Feji Ben, and thank you.

      Thank you for your kind words.

      Great to hear about your benefit of the article too. Good luck.

      Don´t hesitate to contact me if I can help you with anything else or if you have any questions.

  6. Hello there,

    It was a very well written and detailed guide, and I must commend you for doing such an amazing job. So, my dad’s birthday is in a few weeks, and he is a golfer, and I am looking forward to surprising him with a new set of golf balls. I was already having a hard selecting the type of balls to buy for him. Imagine how excited I was to have found your article. Thanks a lot.

    • Hello, Layefa2, and thank you.

      Thank you for your kind words.

      Great to hear about your benefit of the article too.

      Don’t hesitate to contact me if I can help you with anything else or if you have any questions.

  7. Thanks for sharing such amazing postmarked with brevity expression on statement your tips on the best golf balls for senior 2020under 25the buying guide you did a great work in putting up such helpful information article finding a very good website does not come so easy, so I must commend your efforts in growing such a stunning internet site and mention an article to help others with good facts like this thanks

    • Hello, mondayjosep, and thank you.

      Thank you for your kind words.

      Great to hear about your benefit of the article too.

      Don’t hesitate to contact me if I can help you with anything else or if you have any questions.

  8. Both my husband and brother-in-law are keen golfers (both in their mid/late 50s). I never realized that there were different types of golf balls if I’m honest! You can tell I don’t play. Crazy golf is my limit, haha 🙂
    Great that you have covered the pros and cons of what is best to buy. And the ones for the professionals and the beginners.
    I shall pass your article on to them as I’m sure it will be an interesting read for the golfers.

    • Hi, Louise Allen, and thank you.

      Thank you for your kind words.

      I think you people could be interested in this article.

      Great to hear about your benefit of the article too.

      Don’t hesitate to contact me to help you with anything else or if you have any questions.


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