Are Compression Socks Safe? Things You Need To Know

are compression socks safe

Are compression socks safe? Can wearing compression socks be harmful? Are compression socks used? These are some of the most common questions asked by runners who want to start using compression socks. For starters, compression socks are ultra-strong elastic garment or socks worn up to the knee by runners and sporty people. Their main function is vein compression on the surface of the leg, muscles, as well as on the arteries. This compression enhances blood circulation through the legs and the smaller circulatory channels which makes your blood to move faster to the heart to avoid pooling in the feet. Compression socks are also used for a medical purpose on bedridden patients and those with limited mobility to improve blood circulation on the legs.

Are Compression Socks Used?

Yes, runners use compression socks, and they are very safe to wear. Most of these socks have graduated compressions. They are tight on the base and less tight around the knee. This makes them tricky to wear. Since a leg size varies, get a compression sock that fits your calf size as well as the foot. The stockings need to snug perfectly; not very tight nor very loose.

How Do They Work?

The socks are designed to give the maximum pressure around your ankles. The pressure decreases as it moves upward. Biologically, blood in the veins within your body’s circulation system has to overcome the gravity to get back to the heart. However, there are other factors that can disrupt and reduce this blood flow such as weak veins, weight issues, and lack of enough blood circulation stamina. The accumulation of lymph fluid also leads to swelling in the lower parts of your legs. Sluggish blood flow combined with lymph fluid retention in lower limbs makes you feel tired. It also increases the risk of developing varicose veins and deep vein thrombosis in more severe cases.

The socks have a varying elasticity that works by exerting pressure on the limb. The therapy increases tissue pressure for the lymphatic fluid to get absorbed into the veins thereby reducing swelling and edema. Compression socks are a favorite for compression therapy, which offers an effective solution to potential injuries and in treating conditions related to the venolymphatic system. When the body venolymphatic system has problems, you experience poor blood circulation, varicose pain, as well as swelling and numbness. It also offers a quick recovery time to the affected runners.

Purchasing Your Compression Socks Online

Stronger compression socks come with a specification such as the level of compression and the socks length. The prescription is usually done by medical staff in the medical supply outlet where different feet are well measured for fit. However, socks with a low compression effect come without a prescription. They also come with preference features, where some have an open or closed toe, different colors, and various brands for you to choose from.


How To Wear Compression Socks

There are various ways to wear compression socks. You can gently pull the unrolled socks on the foot and fit it well over the foot and the heel.  Alternatively, pull a folded sock to the ankle level, then unroll, and pull the rest of the stocking up the leg to the required level. Finally, you can use a Stocking Donner. This is a device that can assist you to wear the sock effortlessly. A Stocking Donner is especially helpful for people who suffer back pains and arthritis, therefore, finding it hard to grasp and pull the garment.

As a tip, always ensure your skin is dry. It becomes difficult to pull the socks if the skin surface has moisture. It’s also more comfortable to put on the stocking when sitting. This way, you can always check to ensure that there is no wrinkling or bunching, especially around the ankles. Wear the socks as prescribed. Disregarding the prescription can result in your leg swelling, and this makes it difficult or impossible to wear the stocking.

It’s advisable to check for any skin changes and irritation regularly before wearing your compression socks. Such changes are a good indicator of an infection, or the pair of socks you are using does not fit correctly. Finally, if your feet have a severe swelling in the morning, you may need to wrap them using a compression bandage first to lower the swelling.  

Can Wearing Compression Socks Be Harmful?

Compression socks are essential for healthy feet, especially for you as a runner. However, they have to be well fitting to reap the maximum benefits and to avoid problems associated with wrong compression socks usage. Compression socks need not be painful to wear. If this is the case, it means the sock is too tight, or the size is too small for you, or the compression is too strong for you. As such, you need to refer to the fitting chart to ensure that you get the right measurement and size that fits you correctly.

Also, consult your doctor on the compression level suitable for you. At the same time, check for the origin of the pain if any. If it’s in the toe, you can use an open toe sock to avoid squeezing the toe. If the pain comes from the area behind the knee, you need to check if the socks are bunching behind the knees.

Similarly, the socks are not supposed to slide down. If that happens, then they are too large for you. It could also be because the swelling in your legs has reduced, and it’s now time to get a new size.

In Conclusion

I hope you now have the answer to the question; are compression socks safe? Compression socks need a replacement after a certain period. Plan to get a new pair of compression socks after five to six months of usage. To ensure the right compression from the stocking on your foot, your socks need to have the proper elasticity. Overall, in addition to reduced swelling, this therapy should help to prevent painful and itchy spider and varicose vein that interferes with blood flow.  

14 thoughts on “Are Compression Socks Safe? Things You Need To Know”

  1. This is a great article on compression socks. I used to use them a lot when I played basketball and noticed that they helped to prevent cramps and muscle exhaustion in comparison to how my calves responded to prolonged activity without them.

    They are, indeed, safe and I understand the hard science behind their graduated compressions to promote blood flow. I have liked them for this purpose, and your post makes me want to find mine and get them back into use.


    • Hi Tucker and thank you.

      It is good the article remembered you on the importance of the running socks.

      Have in mind too that shoes have a lot of significant factors, but these factors need running socks so you can have the benefit of them. For example:
      The survey of sprinters shows that 43% are later or with hardness in muscles for the first 24 hours after exercise if they use special pressure relief. Runners who use knee-high compression socks when running on a runway ran an average of 6% faster than those who walked in regular socks.

      And about the running shoes. Running socks will wick away, and naturally, absorb some of the moisture that is generated when you run. If you do not wear socks, then your sweat will go straight into your shoe and soak into the fabric. While washing socks is reasonably straightforward, washing your trainers is less so. They will develop a bad odor very quickly if you do not wear socks.

      If I can help you with anything else, or if you have any questions, don´t hesitate to contact me.

  2. Having been a runner of 10K’s and half marathons it has been interesting to see the compression sock become more and more popular. I must admit I have not worn them myself but that said I do get a numbness in my foot sometimes owing to lack of circulation could it be time to try out these compression socks. What’s your advice ? 

    • Hi, Martin Burt and thank you.

      In my opinion, it is no question to try it. People use these socks for much more than running because of the blood circulation, for example in long travel and work.

      I know a lot of people who have found a difference when they start using it. And when you run or walk it is important to use the tools you have to improve blood circulation on the legs.

      If I can help you with anything else, or if you have any questions, don´t hesitate to contact me.

  3. My first thought was what is the effect of prolonged and continued use as a runner with the compression socks you recommend?Does method cause any part of the anatomy to become lazy and thus not function as well as it would have without the compression socks?Thinking about all the dynamics and scenarios of what these compression socks could bring about from the troubleshooting you mention, makes me very cautious as to taking the first step to use them.Are these compression socks best just prescribed by a doctor and adhering to the prescribed usage?Looking forward to your soonest reply.

    • Hi, LearnToEarn Admin and thank you.

      No, you don´t need to be worried about that. You don´t need to get anything from doctors to get these socks. And too, this is to help the body, but it has nothing to do with a function on it.

      Except if you have a severe vascular disease I would not use I would not use it before I have talked with a doctor. And of course, it is always good to speak with doctors and do things in cooperation with him.

      If I can help you with anything else, or if you have any questions, don´t hesitate to contact me.

  4. Thanks for the post I enjoyed it!

    I must say I found your post highly uplifting & educational and You have given me plenty to think about here. To be honest this post is so thorough it opened my eyes to all sorts of information I wasn’t aware of!

    The benefits of the compression socks brought me the urge to buy it and its immediately on my list (To buy list). Being a sports person this is a must for me and I wanted to do some research on this socks but your post gave me all the required information. Thanks a lot for saving my time.

    You left no stone up-turned in explaining how do they work, which is very helpful in my purchase decision.

    Much Success!


    • Hi, Paul and thank you.

      Thank you for your kind words.

      Good to hear about your benefit of this article.

      Good luck.

      If I can help you with anything else, or if you have any questions, don´t hesitate to contact me.

  5. This is a great informative and educative article. You have put everything in perspective for anyone reading this post to understand all about compression socks. From what is compression socks to how to wear compression socks, to how it works to purchasing it, you can’t possibly be more exhaustive! Compression socks are safe I have seen lots of athletes using them in my school days, it helps reduced cramps and relaxes muscle! Besides the health benefits they look good physically and add color to athletes outfits.
    Are compression socks available in local stores or only on licensed stores?

    • Hi, Jaykaynigltd and thank you.

      Thank you for your kind words.

      You can buy compression socks in both local shops or online without a problem.

      Good to hear about your benefit of this article.

      Good luck.

      If I can help you with anything else, or if you have any questions, don´t hesitate to contact me.

  6. Great post about compression socks, I do wear this particular socks at night too but pressure applied to one’s ankle and calf during the night can cut circulation off. Now, some people do need to wear compression socks at night because of health issues or post-surgery. Even in these instances, you should only be wearing the lowest compression available. 

    • Hi, Ayodeji and thank you.

      Thank you for your kind words.

      Yes, many people do it. Like I have said before, these socks help a lot of people in more places than when they are running. Traveling and works when you need to stand a lot is an example of it.

      If I can help you with anything else, or if you have any questions, don´t hesitate to contact me.

  7. Wow! It is one of the most important things for runners. As I was not aware of Compression socks but after reading this post I came to know about its importance. It is scientifically proven that it helps to regulate the blood circulation in body.

    This article clears every doubt about compression socks. I personally suggest the runners to use this socks to improve their performance.

    All the best!


    • Hi, Amod and thank you.

      Thank you for your kind words.

      Great to hear about your benefit of the article.

      If I can help you with anything else, or if you have any questions, don´t hesitate to contact me.


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