How Often Should You Replace Walking Shoes?

how often should you replace walking shoes

If you are like most people, you probably think you should only replace your walking shoes once they have become unusable.

After all, if they still get you from point A to point B, why toss them out for a new pair, right?

Today, we’ll get to the bottom of this issue once and for all.

How can you tell it is time to change your shoes and buy a new one?

Also, how often should you replace walking shoes?

How Often Should You Replace Walking Shoes?

Like any item you use often, your walking shoes will not be able to withstand wear and tear over time.

As such, it is important to know when exactly should you replace them.

Generally speaking, you should change your walking shoes every six months.

However, certain factors would change this time frame.

Here are a few things that you should know about this.

1. Regular athletic shoes last for about 350 to 500 miles of walking and running.

After reaching the 500-mile mark, the support and cushioning of most walking shoes will start deteriorating at a faster rate.

Basically, those who walk for about three to four hours every week should buy a new pair every six months.

If you spend seven or more hours walking or running weekly, replace your shoes every three months.

2. Weight is a factor.

The heavier you are, the faster your shoes will deteriorate.

Overweight people can easily wear out the support and cushioning of their shoes.

3. Seldom-used shoes would (obviously) have a longer lifespan.

We all know that from common sense, but even seldom-worn shoes would not last forever.

Shoes are glued together, and as time goes by, this glue will dry out.

After a year, your shoes will probably be too fragile already that they might get damaged when you use them for running.

How To Tell If the Shoes Are Worn Out?

If you want to know how often you should replace walking shoes, check the physical condition of the footwear and decide if it’s still usable or not.

You can easily tell that the shoes are already worn out just by looking at the outsole and the upper.

Here are a few more signs that indicate your shoes need to be replaced:


1. Check the comfort level.

Wearing your shoes for a long time would give you a keen sense of when something is wrong with them.

You would notice if the comfort level is not what it used to be or that your feet are starting to hurt after just a few hours of walking.

If your shoes are not as comfortable as the first time you used them, it might be time to get a new pair.

It only means that the support and cushioning of your shoes are starting to weaken.

You can still use them for a few more months, but you won’t get the same comfort and support like you used to.

how often should you replace walking shoes

2. Check the fit.

One of the signs that your shoes are worn out is when they have become loose.

When you noticed that your feet are sliding around inside, there is a good chance that the shoes are breaking down internally.

If the looseness came from you losing weight, you’d still need to replace your shoes.

You already know this, but it is important walking shoes fit snuggly on your feet.

Your feet slipping around the shoes is never a good thing, as it can cause blisters and other foot injuries.

Shoes can also become too tight, especially if you gained weight.

Although the length will not change, the width of your feet would become bigger, which would change the fit of your shoe.

3. Check for visible damage.

We’ve mentioned this repeatedly because it is the most obvious sign that you need a new pair of walking shoes.

Any damage to your shoes will worsen over time, especially if it’s on the uppers.

You can still save the outsole, but any damage to the uppers will cost a lot of money to repair.

Also check the sole’s tread pattern to see if it’s already worn down.

Most modern walking shoes are made so that a new color will show when the sole is already worn out.

If the heel has turned uneven, you will know that you need to buy a new pair.

Tips To Make Your Shoes Last Longer

Some people don’t wear their walking shoes often, especially if they have more than one pair.

These shoes would definitely last longer, but you need to properly care for them if you want them to go beyond their lifespan.

Here are a few maintenance tips you can do:

1. Don’t wear your walking shoes the whole day.

Always bring an extra pair with you if you plan to go around and stroll.

Walking shoes are meant for simple exercises and jogging.

If you wear them the whole day, they will wear out faster than you imagine.

2. Don’t keep your shoes in your gym bag for a long time.

Make sure you air-dry your walking shoes after every use.

It will help if you place them where they can be exposed to air so that the moisture will dry out quickly.

Doing this will prevent damage to the inner part of your shoes.

3. Never wash your shoes in the washing machine.

If you plan to wash them, use a sponge and gentle soap and do it by hand.

For drying, leaving them to air dry is still the best route to take.

It takes time, but it would make sure that the fragile parts of the shoe will not get damaged, especially the cushioning.


With all the different styles and designs available, it is very easy to replace your walking shoes.

However, if you’re trying to cut down on your spending, it would help if you know how often should you replace walking shoes.

Repairing them would work, too, but it’s better to change worn-down footwear to a new one to avoid injuries.

Repairs can’t fix the shoes’ worn-out support and cushioning.

4 thoughts on “How Often Should You Replace Walking Shoes?”

  1. Hey Sportssend,

    What a great question to ask.  I used to be one of those individuals that waited till the shoes talk back, “bury me now.” So, I am grateful for the in-depth reason why it is vitally important to replace your walking shoes after 300-500 miles of walking or running.  in addition to the four other reasons that you should take into account when it time to throw away the shoes, “Do not even give them away.” Last, you hit the target; footwear also needs to be replaced if there not going to taken care of.

    • Hi Sharon, and thank you.

      Thank you for your kind words.

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  2. Thanks for this article about when to replace your walking shoes. This is an important article to me because I run three to four days a week at about 10 miles per week. I can always tell when my running shoes need to be replaced because I can start to feel the rocks through my shoes much more pronounced when they are worn out. Replacing your shores regularly is very important because it reduces injury and lessens the chances of shin splints.

    • Hi AL. S., and thank you.

      Thank you for your kind words.

      Yes, it is crucial to replace the shoes when their time has come for your body and particular legs. I feel that you would be interested in reading this post; there are many good running shoes.

      Great to hear about your benefit of the article too.

      Don’t hesitate to contact me to help you with anything else or if you have any questions.


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